

Welcome to the Brand Runner podcast, where we discuss creative marketing strategies and tech trends. I’m your host Fabien. Let’s get started. I really wanted to start this podcast for a few reasons. I’ve been working in the advertising industry my entire life, from producing branded content, video ads, audio ads, out of home campaigns, influencer partnerships, and even a big game ad. There are just so many innovative ways you can talk about a brand.

But now more than ever, marketers need to be able to adapt super fast. Plan, execute, optimize and reiterate, that is the motto of the marketing industry. As a marketing professional, you are only as good as the last campaign you did and how you did it. The best way to keep up is by sharing experiences and discussing with other peers who might have interesting insights due to their specific field.

Are you a creative marketing professional or an entrepreneur working on your new project? Then this show is for you. The Brand Runner podcast is about sharing knowledge. Some of these will be solo pieces and some others I will bring in special guests. In this conversation-style episodes, we will talk about brain awareness, metaverse and the future of advertising, production tools, chat, GPT, NFTs, podcasts, out of home and more.

But most importantly, how all these trends relate to marketing and brand strategies today. We’ll have some special guests from many companies spearheading marketing today. So please follow along with this journey. You can follow us right now in your favorite podcast app to be notified as soon as it’s ready. Just search Brand Runner. You can also join our email list at to know when new episodes are available.

Happy podcasting for now!

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