How Apple’s Vision Pro redefines brand marketing

In this episode of Brand Runner, we talk about the latest buzziest announcement in tech: the Apple Vision Pro headset. This new tech product shines a light on the future of the internet, and how it will redefine marketing and advertising. Reviewing its features and capabilities will break down its marketing and ethical implications as well as its limitations and timeline for mass adoption.

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This episode only represents Fabien’s own opinion and personal thoughts.



Welcome to Brand Runner, the podcast that dives deep into the world of marketing trends, brand building and tech. I’m your host Fabien. And in today’s episode, we have an exciting topic on the agenda. We’re going to explore the groundbreaking potential of Apple’s latest innovation, the Vision Pro headset. Apple’s latest keynote created some waves regarding the future of the internet. The announcement of the Vision Pro headset represents a significant leap forward in the


blending the lines between the virtual and the physical world, and what the internet will look like in the near future. On the marketing side, it’s obvious that it will revolutionize the way brands connect with consumers and create immersive experiences that were once only imaginable in science fiction. Today, we’ll be going over the features, capabilities, and potential impact of this groundbreaking device on the future of tech advertising and marketing. From augmented reality brand experiences to ethical considerations surrounding data privacy,


We will go over quite a few implications of this release. But before we dive deep into the possibilities, let’s start with the basics. What exactly is the Apple Vision Pro headset? How does it work? And what sets it apart from the existing augmented reality devices on the market? In this episode, we’ll break it all down for you. In short, the promise of Apple Vision Pro is to give an immersive journey where consumers are no longer passive observers but active participants in the brand narrative.


The Vision Pro headset has the potential to reshape the way we perceive and interact with brands, blurring the boundaries between digital and physical realms. Let’s review its features and capabilities. With its high-resolution display, powerful processor, and wide range of sensors, the Vision Pro can be used for a variety of tasks, including gaming, productivity, and entertainment. The Vision Pro features a high-resolution display that provides a realistic and immersive AR experience. The display has a resolution of 23 million pixels,


which is four times the resolution of a 4K TV. This allows users to see sharp, detailed images and text in AR. The Vision Pro is powered by Apple’s M2 chip, which is one of the most powerful processors on the internet. The M2 chip allows the Vision Pro to handle complex AR applications with ease. The Vision Pro feature a wide range of sensors, including a LIDAR Scanner, similar to what you have on the iPhone, a TrueDepth camera, and a variety of motion sensors.


These sensors allow the Vision Pro to track the user’s head, eyes and hands in real time. This allows for a more immersive and interactive AR experience. In addition to these key features, the Vision Pro also has a number of other features that make it a powerful and versatile device. The Vision Pro supports spatial audio which provides 3D experience that makes it feel like the sound is coming from all around you. This is perfect for gaming, watching movies and listening to music.


The Vision Pro also supports eye tracking, which allows you to control AR applications with your eyes. This is a great way to interact with AR applications without having to move your hands. Let’s talk about the pricing. At almost $4,000, the Apple Vision Pro is clearly way more expensive than its competitors. But in the quest of technology miniaturization, Apple justifies the price tag by saying that in terms, the Vision Pro would replace other devices such as iPhone or tablet.


it’s supposed to be a supercomputer. In fact, during the keynote, Apple made a clear choice not to refer to the headset as VR, but as what they called spatial computing. This alone sets them apart from its competitors in saying that it might look similar, but we’re not making the same product than the others. Let’s talk about the merging of technology and advertising here, and how the Vision Pro headset is set to revolutionize the way brands connect with consumers.


The Apple Vision Pro has the potential to revolutionize the marketing and advertising industry, mostly how brands connect with the customer. We can see how there is a strong potential for creating captivating and interactive marketing campaigns through augmented reality. The Vision Pro’s immersing AR experience could be used to create the more engaging and interactive marketing and advertising campaigns. For example, businesses could use the Vision Pro to create virtual showrooms where customers can explore products in 3D.


or to create interactive games and experiences that promote their products and services. It could also be with a more personalized advertising. The Vision Pro’s ability to track the user’s head and hands could be used to deliver more personalized advertising. For example, businesses could use the Vision Pro to target ads to users who are looking at specific products or who are interacting with certain types of content. The Vision Pro’s ability to collect data about the user’s environment could be used to improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.


For example, similarly to what is being done with smartphones and tablets, businesses could use the Vision Pro to collect data about the user’s location, the products they are looking at, and the types of content they are interacting with. This data could then be used to improve the targeting of ads, the creation of content, and the measurement of the results of marketing campaigns. This could lead to more effective marketing campaigns to generate better results for businesses. One of the most exciting applications of the Vision Pro headset is the creation of virtual showrooms, as I mentioned previously.


These immersive spaces allow customers to browse and interact with products as if they were physically present in a brick and mortar store. Imagine being able to try on clothes, experiment with different styles and see how they fit and move all from the convenience of your living room. And it doesn’t stop at fashion. With the Vision Pro headset, customers can virtually test drive cars and experience the thrill of being behind a wheel without having to leave their driveway.


They can explore with intricate detail, customize colors and options, and even simulate driving conditions to ensure it’s the perfect fit. We can also talk about real estate agents who could use the Vision Pro to create virtual tours of properties. This could help potential buyers to see properties without having to physically visit them, similar to what we see with museum VR tours. Educational institutions could use the Vision Pro to create interactive learning experiences. This could help students to learn more effectively and to retain information better.


Tourism businesses could use the Vision Pro to create virtual tours of tourist destinations. This could help potential visitors to plan their trips and to get a better sense of what the destination has to offer. These are just a few examples of how businesses could use the Vision Pro for marketing and advertising. As the Vision Pro becomes more widely available, we can expect even more innovative creative use for technology. But the Vision Pro is set to blur the line between technology and advertisers.


The merging of technology and advertising is a trend that is here to stay. The Vision Pro headset is just one example of how new technologies are being used to create more immersive and interactive experiences for consumers. As these technologies continue to evolve, we can expect to see even more ways for brands to use them to connect with consumers in new and innovative ways. The Vision Pro headset is equipped with a variety of advanced sensors, including a leader scan tool, true depth camera and a variety of motion sensors. These sensors


allow the headset to track users’ heads, eyes, and hands in real time. The data can be used by brands to deliver personalized advertising that is relevant to the user’s interest. Coming back to our previous examples mentioned before, but this time focusing on the data aspect, the showroom for instance. A retailer could use the Vision Pro headset to track the user’s eyes movement as they browse through products in a virtual showroom. The retailer could then use this data to recommend products that the user is more likely to be interested in.


The gaming company could use the Vision Pro headset to track the user’s performance in a game. The company could then use this data to provide the user with personalized feedback and rewards. The real estate agent could use the Vision Pro headset to track the user’s movements. As they walk through a virtual tour of the property, the agent could then use this data to highlight features of the property that the user is more likely to be interested in. In addition to its advanced sensors, the Vision Pro headset also features powerful AI capabilities.


These AI capabilities can be used by brands to understand the user’s interests and preferences in more details. This information can then be used to deliver even more personalized advertising. For example, the brand could use the Vision Pro headset to track users’ social media. The brand could then use this data to understand the user’s interests and preferences. This is a little bit like a hot jar on steroids.


Let’s talk about ethical considerations and let’s delve into the privacy concerns and responsible usage of consumer data in the era of immersive advertising. The launch of Apple Vision Pro headset has raised a number of ethical concerns, particularly around privacy and the responsible usage of consumer data. One of the main concerns is that the headset’s advanced sensors and AI capabilities could be used to track and collect data about users in a way that is not transparent or under their control.


This data could then be used to target users with advertising or to build profiles of their interests and preferences. Another concern is that the headset could be used to invade users’ privacy in other ways. For example, it could be used to record conversations or to take pictures without the user’s knowledge or concept. Apple has not yet released any details about how it will use the data collected by the Vision Pro headset. However, the company has a good track record of protecting their users’ privacy.


Privacy is also part of their marketing strategy. So it’s likely it will take steps to address these concerns. In the meantime, it’s important for users to be aware of the potential privacy risk associated with using the Vision Pro headset. They should also be careful about what data they share with the headset. They should make sure that they understand how their data is being used. The Vision Pro headset will likely have privacy settings that users can use to control how their data is collected and used.


Users should use these settings to protect their privacy. In addition to privacy concerns, there are also concerns about the responsible usage of consumer data in the area of immersive advertising. As brands become more adept at using AR technology to target consumers with personalized advertising, it is important to ensure that this data is used responsibly. Brands can use consumer data responsibly by being transparent about how they’re using the data. Consumers should be aware of how their data is being used by brands.


Brands should be transparent about their data collection and usage practice. They can also give consumers control over their data. Brands should give consumers the ability to opt out of data collection and to delete their data. Brands should use data for good, in order to improve the user experience and to provide value to consumers. Brands should not use data to exploit consumers or to harm their privacy.


This transformative technology empowers customers to make more informed purchase decisions by providing an incredibly realistic and immersive experience. No longer limited to static images or videos, customers can interact with products, inspect them from every angle, and truly understand their features and benefits. But what does this mean for brands? They can leverage the power of storytelling, allowing customers to emotionally connect with products that envision how they fit into their lives.


Let’s break down barriers. The Vision Pro headset has the potential to bridge the gap between online and offline marketing efforts. By enabling brands to create immersive experiences that can be accessed both online and offline, the Vision Pro headset could help brands to reach a wider audience and create a more seamless customer journey. In-store promotions, for instance, the Vision Pro headset can be used to create in-store promotions that are more engaging and interactive than traditional promotions. For example, a brand could use the Vision Pro headset to offer customers a virtual tour of a new product,


or to provide them with personalized product recommendations. We can also talk about location-based marketing. The Vision Poor headset can be used to deliver location-based marketing messages to customers. For example, a brand could use the Vision Poor headset to send a notification to a customer when they are near one of their stores. Here are some additional technical details on how to bridge offline and online marketing. APIs, which are application programming interfaces, can be used to connect online and offline marketing channels.


For example, a brand could use an API to connect its website with its point of sale system. This would allow the brand to track customer behavior across both online and offline channels. Using radio frequency identification tags, this can be used to track products as they move through the supply chain. This data can then be used to create personalized marketing messages for customers. For example, a brand could use those radio frequency identification tags to track which


in the past. This data could then be used to send customers targeted marketing messages about related products. Use of NFC tags, which are near-field communication tags, is the same tech as Apple Pay that you use to pay your coffee with your phone. This can be used to trigger marketing messages when a customer’s smartphone comes close to the tag. This technology can be used to create more engaging and interactive marketing experiences. For example, a brand could use NFC tags to create a virtual showroom in a store.


When a customer’s smartphone comes close to an NFC tag, the customer could see a 3D model of the product on their phone. Beacon technology uses Bluetooth low energy, also BLE, to send signals to nearby smartphones. It’s not all roses either, as there are some real challenges, such as the cost. As mentioned, the Vision Pro headset is expensive at almost $4,000, which could limit its adoption by businesses. The Vision Pro headset is not yet widely available, which could limit its impact on the marketing landscape.


There are still some technical issues that need to be resolved before the Vision Pro Headset can be used for widespread marketing campaigns. Let’s talk about NFTs and the Vision Pro Headset. What about the integration of non-fungible tokens into immersive brand experiences? Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are digital assets that are unique and cannot be replaced. They are often used to represent digital art, collectibles and gaming items.


There is a dedicated episode about NFTs in advertising and marketing, linked in the show notes. The Vision Pro headset is a wearable device that allows users to experience augmented reality, and AR is a technology that overlays digital content onto the real world. NFTs and the Vision Pro headset can be used together to create immersive brand experiences. For example, a brand could create an AR experience where users can collect NFTs of their favorite products. These NFTs could then be used to unlock exclusive content,


such as behind-the-scenes videos or early access to new products. NFTs and the Vision Pro headsets could also offer the opportunity to create a more personalized brand experience. For example, a brand could create an AR experience where users can customize their own NFT avatar. This avatar could then be used to interact with other users in the brand’s AR world. The integration of NFTs and the Vision Pro headset is still in its early stages.


but it has the potential to revolutionize the way brands interact with customers. By creating immersive and personalized brand experiences, NFTs and the Vision Pro headset can help brands to connect with customers in a more meaningful way. NFTs and the Vision Pro headset can be used to create immersive brand experiences that allow users to interact with brands in a more realistic and engaging way. NFTs and the Vision Pro headset can be used to create personalized brand experiences that are tailored to each individual user’s interest.


NFTs and the Vision Pro headset can be used to create engaging brain experience that keep users coming back for more. NFTs and the Vision Pro headset can be used to create scalable brain experience that can be easily adapted to different audiences. The integration of NFTs and the Vision Pro headset into brain experiencers offers a number of potential benefits. Some of the challenges of integrating NFTs and the Vision Pro headset into brain experience are the costs, as we mentioned.


NFTs and the Vision Pro headset are still relatively new technologies, so they can be expensive to develop and implement. NFTs and the Vision Pro headset are complex technologies, so they can be difficult to use and integrate into brand experiences. The regulation of NFTs and the Vision Pro headset is still unclear, so there are risks of legal challenges. These examples highlight the immense potential of virtual reality headsets in creating impactful marketing campaigns.


By leveraging the power of AR, brands can ignite curiosity, generate buzz, and stand out in a crowded marketplace. They can create experiences that resonate with their target audience, leaving a lasting impression and building brand loyalty. However, it’s important to notice that incorporating VR technology into marketing campaigns also comes with its challenges. The cost of production, technical expertise, and ensuring compatibility across different VR platforms are factors that brands need to navigate.


With the right strategy, these challenges can be overcome and the rewards can be substantial. Let’s talk about the challenges and limitations and address potential obstacles that marketers may face when implementing vision pro headset strategies. Even though the Vision Pro headset is a powerful new tool that has the potential to revolutionize the way marketers reach and engage with consumers, there are a number of challenges and limitations that markets should be aware of before implementing the vision pro headset.


Close to $4,000, the Vision Pro headset is a relatively expensive piece of equipment, which could limit its adoption by smaller businesses. Its availability. Obviously, the Vision Pro headset is not yet widely available, so once it comes out, it will take time for mass adoption. And this could limit the reach of marketing campaigns that use it. The technical expertise required. Marketers may need to acquire specialized technical expertise in order to create and implement effective Vision Pro headset marketing campaigns.


Some of the consumers may be concerned about the privacy implications of using a device that can track their movement and collect data about their environment. Motion sickness. Some users may experience motion sickness when using the vision pro headset, which can limit the effectiveness of marketing campaigns that rely on immersive experiences. Let’s talk real-world examples and showcase a few successful case studies of brands leveraging augmented reality and immersive advertising techniques.


There are many examples of brands that have successfully leveraged augmented reality and immersive advertising techniques to reach and engage consumers. We will mention a few of them and links on the show notes for those wanting to experience them. IKEA has been using AR to allow customers to virtually try out furniture in their homes. This has been a successful way for IKEA to increase sales and reduce returns. Loel Loel has used AR to allow customers to virtually try on makeup.


This has been a successful way for L’Oreal to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction. Coca-Cola Not the first time Coca-Cola used VR, but most noticeable to date, Coca-Cola has used AR to create interactive experiences targeting gen Zs to try new flavors in a highly visual AR experience at home or in stores. This has been a successful way for Coca-Cola to engage consumers and build brand awareness. Nike Nike has used AR to create virtual trainers.


This has been a successful way for Nike to motivate consumers to get active and improve their fitness. Nike is also highly involved in NFTs. Let’s discuss VR AR mass adoption scenarios and what it means for marketers and advertisers. Virtual reality and augmented reality are two of the most exciting technology to emerge in recent years. They can potentially revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. And they are already being used in a variety of industries including gaming, education and healthcare.


However, there are still a number of challenges that need to be overcome before NVR can achieve mass adoption. One of the biggest challenges is the cost of hardware. VR headsets are still relatively expensive and it’s a major barrier to entry for many consumers. AR headsets are more affordable but they’re still not as universal as smartphones or tablets. Another challenge is the lack of compelling content. There are a number of VR and AR experiences available, but most of them are still in their early stages of development.


there is not yet a wide range of high-quality content available that will appeal to mass audiences. Finally, there are some concerns about the potential negative effects of VR and AR on users. For example, some experts have warned that VR could be addictive and that it could lead to problems such as social isolation and anxiety. AR could also be used to create false or misleading information which could have a negative impact on society.


to be optimistic about the future of VR and AR. The technology is consistently evolving and the cost of hardware is expected to come down in the years to come. As more and more content become available, VR and AR will become more appealing to a wider audience. It is too early to say when VR and AR will achieve mass adoption. However, many experts believe that it could happen within the next five to 10 years. Once VR and AR become mainstream, they have the potential to revolutionize the way we consume media,


learn and interact with the world around us. For advertisers and marketers, VR and AR offer a number of new opportunities. They can be used to create immersive experiences that allow users to interact with products and services in a new way. This can be a powerful way to engage consumer and generate excitement for brands. Looking ahead, we can speculate on the future advancement in wearable technology and their impact on the marketing landscape. Wearable technology is a rapidly evolving field and it’s difficult to predict what the future holds.


However, there are a few trends that are likely to continue to shape the future of wearable technology. Wearable devices are becoming smaller and more lightweight, which makes them more comfortable to wear and more practical for everyday use. Wearable devices are also getting longer battery life, which makes them more useful for extended periods of time. Wearable devices are becoming more sophisticated with a wider range of features and capabilities.


Wearable devices are becoming more affordable, which makes them more accessible for a wider range of consumers. As wearable technology continues to evolve, it is likely to have a significant impact on the marketing landscape. Here are a few ways that wearable technology could impact marketing. Wearable devices can collect data about users’ activities, preferences, and locations. This data can be used to create personalized marketing messages and are more likely to resonate with the consumers. Wearable devices can be used to deliver location-based marketing messages to consumers.


For example, a retailer could send notifications to a consumer’s wearable device when they are near one of their stores. As wearing technology continues to evolve, marketers will need to adapt their strategy to take advantage of this. This was a pretty long episode, so here are some takeaways. The Apple Vision Pro headset is a powerful new device that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and the way brands connect with consumers. With its immersive AR experience, advanced sensors and AI capabilities,


the Vision Pro headset can be used to create more engaging, targeted, interactive marketing and advertising campaigns. That being said, we are far from mass adoption. While the tech is starting to show promising outlooks, this tech adoption is still in its infancy, as most users are researchers or tech geeks. This is a fraction of the addressable market for marketers and advertisers, making it currently not a great cost-effective promotion channel. However, this release announcement by Apple definitely shines a light on where the future of tech and media consumption is headed.


And that brings us to the end of this episode. We hope this episode on Apple’s Vision Pro and marketing was beneficial to you. Please give us a 5 star rating on Apple Podcast or the podcast of your choice. It really helps the show to get heard. This was Brain Runner.