millennials laying in grass laughing

Millennials all have one problem

Congratulation! Millennials, if you are here, it means your curiosity already brought you on the path to financial freedom! I am not a financial advisor, nor did I go to business school. I have worked in content production and marketing for over ten years, travelled quite around the world. I have also been studying the lost art of Taekwondo (Korean martial art) for over 20 years. I am a 3rd-degree black belt and a New York gold medalist. I am very mindful by nature and believe in the cyclical order of things.

Millennials are all facing the same problem.

It’s not that easy to be a millennial today. Nor for the next generations. We are being told that the world is pretty much f*cked, that the gap between the poorest and the wealthiest is getting wider and wider. Newer generations are getting on a job market already in debts due to a broken education system, which will cost them the same as a home. We have to work our asses off so much more to get to where our parents got at the same age.

We’ve heard this so often. The truth is times are just different. Ways are different. How our parents did it and how we are doing it are not comparable. While it is true that today it is harder to succeed and stand out of the pack., there’s also much more people now than in the ’70s.

But today there are industries, technologies, and tools that did not exist even when we were born. I remember when we got our first computer at home. It was a Macintosh Performa 200. My mother is a journalist and back then was being forced by a prominent French publication to switch upgrade from a typewriter. Yep, your read right. It included a state-of-the-art black and white screen. Wow! Its’ most remarkable feature: printing a document at home, and copy-paste short cut. Forget about the internet. That happened seven years later with dial-up.

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Some of you remember this….

The good news

Today we laugh about it. But most of us forget that now, there are tools like never. With all the technology evolution there more ways than ever for millennials to become their own entrepreneur, at low cost and low risk. Even if you come from nothing. You just need good ideas, a little will power, hard work, and consistency. In fact, it can also stimulate your personal growth.

My father always told me “it’s so hard to make money, but the hardest is to keep it”. And this remains even truer today.

The truth is most of us will never own a house, and retirement is going to be a tough one for all of us as much fewer people will be there to pay for it. So the system will change, and less money will be there to support us. There is only one solution: make more money.

It’s so hard to make money, but the hardest is to keep it.


How to save that money properly, personal finance, thinking about retirement and saving while still not being old enough to drink, how to create much needed multiple income streams, how to make most of the gifts of nature — our planet — while respecting it, are ALL vital skills that should be taught in school, but unfortunately are not. So we have to take these in our own hands.

If you don’t know where to start, read this.

So let’s get hustling!

*This article was originally published on the platforms Millennial Meta and Medium. Some of the images were replaced.